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Proposal States
Written by Simon I.
Updated over a week ago

Proposa has a preset list of states that your proposal can be in at anytime. You can change the state of any proposal by opening the proposal editor and modifying the state at the upper right.

Each proposal state has a color indicator that can be seen on other Proposa screens including the Dashboard, the Proposal Lists and inside of the proposal editor.

Draft - A proposal that is not visible by the outside world (even to previously defined and notified recipients). This state should be used while you're actively building a proposal or making substantial edits that you don't want your recipients to see how the sausage is made. A proposal in the draft state is represented by the color yellow.

Published - A proposal that is visible by the outside world. You can still make edits to your proposal, but your recipients will see each incremental update you make (if they're incessantly refreshing their browser). A proposal in the Published state is represented by the color blue.

Expired - A proposal whose expiration date was sometime in the past. If you've used an expiration date and that date has come and gone, your proposal will no longer be accessible by the outside world and they'll be met with a friendly expired proposal screen. A proposal in the expired state is represented by the color black.

Won - A proposal that you've successfully closed. Good work! This proposal can no longer be accessed by the outside world. A proposal in the won state is represented by the color green.

Lost - A proposal that you've lost. You can't win them all! This proposal can no longer be accessed by the outside world. A proposal in the lost state is represented by the color red.

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